Hi, I'm Ali Raza Khalid
A Web Developer
Converting Ideas into projects and learning new technologies. Let's build something amazing together!
Technologies I work With all the time
Projects That I a have built

Terminal PortFolio
Terminal Portfolio is a fun project to create a terminal looking portfolio with using bare react.js and react-icons used with tailwind css

Chess Pro
Chess Pro is attempt to create a chess.com and lichess.org clone using react.js and node.js servers running on top of web socket protocols. Currently ChessPro Offers Matching, game Link and Puzzles functionality with Authentication and user specific Functionalities to be developed

Pendrive is a google drive clone that allows user to upload, star, trash, view, download and delete the files in their cloud storage. Pendrive is the first ever next.js application that I have made.

Shopfinity is a full stack online shopping platform with user and admin functionalities it handles payment using stripe webhooks and has features like add to favourites and add to cart. Shopfinity uses auth.js for authentication and mongoDb for Data storage. Still parts of the app are to be developed.

Chit Chat
Chit Chat is a raltime chatting platform. It allows user to add friends send requests and deny them in realtime. Also users can do realtime chatting. More Work has to be done on this project like improving the initial data fetching and improving the zustand based global chatStore.

Baze is a music streaming and downloading service currently in development. The development is paused becaue of the api development
Check Out My blogs Where I experiment with new technologies and create new projects
Contact Me
Send me a message, let's create something new together.